Looking for a home to buy? Why not consider Chicago? Here are the reasons why buy a house for sale in Chicago, Illinois.
Illinois has a lot to offer, let’s face it, Illinois winter is harsh and traffic is crazy but Illinois is more than winter and its traffic.
Schools are good here in Illinois:
#21 overall for the US
#15 in quality
#40 in safety
Top schools in Illinois are Payton College Preparatory High School, in Chicago, the University of Chicago and Northwestern University, in Evanston.
Illinois are well known for their pizzas and hotdogs. Illinois have a lot of food festivals to show how much they love food. The annual food festivals are Taste of Chicago (the world’s largest food festival), Chicago Food Truck Festival, Collinsville’s International Horseradish Festival, Springfield’s Downtown Bacon Throwdown and Sausage Fest Chicago.
Illinois offers famous architecture, skyscrapers, movie set locations, museums and national parks, you will never go wrong with Illinois sight. It will be a great day always in Illinois.
Chicago Illinois neighborhoods are up and coming, you will get the best of both worlds when in Illinois. Neighborhoods like West Loop, Printers Row and Edison Park tout affordability and, of course, proximity to Chicago landmarks, great food, and even better entertainment.
Rush hour in Illinois is 6:30am – 10:30am & 3:00pm – 7:30pm so if you can’t ride the train, there are also other options too. Like pedway, biking, cab or share ride.